Alaboutnothing Official Blog

November 26, 2018

Immortal / Immorality – Word Review

The other day we were watching a movie of a WWII battle and when one of the guys stood up and started spraying the field in front of him with bullets the guy next to him grabbed him and pulled him to the ground.  Then he said “What?  Do you think you are immortal?”  Well, there it was “immortal” and it got us thinking because we have seen that word before, but never though much about it until now.  The dictionary has im-mor-tal as “Living forever, never dying or decaying.”  We would hope decaying is not an option because we would not want the zombie look as we go though our many lives.

In past posts we have explained our belief on reincarnation and that is immortality for our souls on a spiritual level, but what about a physical level?

So now we wondered if we knew anyone that is immortal.  So we thought about it and we don’t ever remember anyone of our friends or acquaintances ever telling us they were immortal.  But just because they didn’t tell us doesn’t mean they aren’t, they might be hiding it.  So how can we tell if one of them is and they are nor saying?  So we decided to start dropping hints like when one of them was speeding down the freeway we would say “Do you think if one of the oncoming cars jumped the divider and hit us head-on would be killed instantly?” They always say “yes”.  So we decided to flat out ask “Would you want to live forever?”  Answer always “no”.  Now maybe they are immortal and they don’t know it?

How do you know if you’re immortal or not?  If you are do you get a certified letter from God?  You open the letter and it says “To Sam, this letter is to inform you that your prayers have been heard and we now declare you and immortal human.  Yes Sam, you will live forever the minute you look at the certificate included in this letter.”  “Sam we must warn you that if you are having second thoughts about being immortal it’s too late.  We saw you thinking be careful what you ask for the other day and we suggest you put those thoughts out of your mind because it might have negate the immortal effect.  WARNING:  If you knowingly decide to test if you’re immortal or not, this also might negate the immortality because it’s meant to take effect without you knowing.  If you knowingly decide to test it anyway and you step in front of a speeding bus and after the bus slams on the brakes and you don’t walk away, then you’re dead.  If this happens please call Customer Service at YOU-ARE-DEAD (968-273-3323) when you get to the Pearly Gates.  If you do walk away or crawl away, then even if you’re damaged and might be disabled, you proved your immortal, but we suggest you don’t try again.  We will know Sam, we will know.”

We have some other questions like do you get to choose the age in which you start being immortal?  We have to assume the minute it kicks in you will go though eternity the exact age you are at that moment.  We guess you will know when you are because you will cease aging and look the same day after day forever.  (We hope the letter comes).  We think our fiends would notice that you are not changing physically or that you are out living everyone, then again maybe not.

So let’s say you are immortal and a massive asteroid slams in to the Earth and completely obliterates the planet into a bazillion little pieces of dirt floating around in space.  There you are floating in space with all that dirt forever?   Come on folks, the Earth is eventually going to stop functioning but your not if you’re immortal.  So then what?  Does it mean that every atom down to your DNA heals and stay healed?  If you’re older you might be taking prescription drugs so will you continue taking them forever? We would assume the healing would take place.

We wonder how you would keep it a secret. For example if you are sky diving and when you jump out of the plane your main and safety parachutes fail and you hit the ground like a free falling safe and actually bury yourself a few inched in the sod.  Do you get injuries like everyone else?  If you get up and walk away would kind of give it away that you are “special” and your story would probably go viral and your would probably be on all the headlines of newspapers.  Then what do you say?  This would be a good time to follow the Trump mantra and “Deny everything always.”

We guess we will be pondering this for awhile, but right now we say “no” to immortality until we have way more answers to our questions.

We have nothing else to report at this time except to thank the Universe for sending the rain to Northern and Southern California. Thank you to all who stop by and read our posts.  (We did find out that “Immortal -The Band” dominates the images on Google.)

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